29. 11. 2016 – 12. 2. 2017   

The book object and the book object connect the image and the word. The typographic image of the word configures the nature of thinking and predefines the approach to reading content. It is the word of imagery and the image of the etymology of the word. For many authors, the book has become not only a bearer of text, but also a means of artistic expression and an art object. Aesthetic and conceptual understanding of the construction of the book initiates the author's freedom to grasp the artifact as an object ...


Róbert Makar


Peter Ďurík


Peter Augustovič / Nina Abramovičová / Igor Benca / Mária Beňová / Anna Mária Beňová / Petra Brčáková / Nina Budošová / Martin Derner / Sarah Duláková / Ágnes Ďurdík / Ján Fekete / Charlotte Hammes / Nina Hanusová / Kristína Hečková / Ivana Hrončeková / Michaela Ihnátová / Zbyněk Janáček / Barbora Klaučová / Barbora Kmecová / Anikó Kovács Csonga / Andy Kozárová / Pavol Kráľ / Iva Krupicová / Peter Leja, / Katarína Macurová / Róbert Makar / Stano Masár / Tsudoi Mausda / Mariana Mažgútová / Simona Mišovicová / Martin Mikulka / Michaela Moravčíková / Andrea Pézman / Patrik Ševčík / Martin Schwarz / Marek Sibinský / Katarína Škamlová / Klára Štefanovičová / Radim Straka / Ján Šutvay / Matúš Szalontai / Petr Včelka / Tomáš Vicen / Monika Voláková / Inka Výbohová

Projekt z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia.